Olson Lawn Care LLC is based in Arvada, Colorado and offers property maintenance services, sprinkler installation and repair, commercial snow removal services, and professional landscaping. We service a wide variety of property types from residential homes and HOAs to larger commercial venues and secured government facilities. We provide all-inclusive property management and specialize in weekly maintenance, commercial snow removal, and sprinkler systems. Whatever your lawn maintenance and landscape needs, Olson Lawn Care has the expertise, staff, and attention to detail necessary to provide you with an elite service.
We proudly serve residential customers residing in Arvada, Westminster, Wheat Ridge, Golden, Lakewood, southern Broomfield, and Morrison. We provide commercial services to the greater Denver metropolitan area as well as cities farther north.
While proper water application is an essential component to any healthy lawn, what makes those sprinklers and pipes tick is often overlooked.
Like all things, irrigation systems can get old and just out of date. We can help you install a modern system that is focused on water conservation and efficiency. Or, if you are just looking for a tune up, we can help you with that as well.
As you are well aware, Colorado enjoys wildly varied seasons. Our winters can be cruel and cold. Our summers hot and dry. Making sure your irrigation system is prepared for each and every season is paramount to proper lawn management.
No matter the size of the project, it’s just a matter of fact that a properly maintained irrigation system fosters a healthy lawn.
Did you know that the EPA estimates that 50% of all outdoor water use goes to waste due to inefficient watering systems and methods? We can help you fix that!